Life Members

Welcome to the Life Member Forum


What is the Life Member Forum All About?

A life member has made a lifetime commitment to ASCE and the civil engineering profession by remaining a member for the full length of their professional career.

To become a life member, you must have:

  1. reached 65 years of age
  2. paid dues in any membership grade except student member for at least 35 years
  3. had 10 years of continuous dues-paying membership immediately preceding the attainment of life member.

Life Members are the most experienced and knowledgeable membership segment of our Society and can contribute significantly to the success of our organization. Establishing a Life Member Forum in Arizona will enable the Section, Branches, YMFs and Committees the ability to tap into this valuable resource. Please consider becoming involved in the Life Member Forum today!



Life members are exempt from payment of membership dues.

Life members are only required to pay a service fee to receive Civil Engineering magazine. There are 2 options:

  • Annual fee (domestic)*: $50
  • Annual fee (international shipping)*: $89

*Dues payments must be received by January 1 to ensure uninterrupted receipt of the print magazine.


How to upgrade your current membership level

No action is required — life membership is automatically calculated based on the listed requirements.

Current life members and those becoming a life member in 2027 or prior are legacy life members. The life member rules above apply to legacy life members (including the life member service fee).


New life members 2028 and beyond

Those becoming a life member during or after 2028 have a single requirement:

  • 40 years of Society dues paid membership


Dues for new life members 2028 and beyond 

  • Life members receive a 50% Society membership dues discount.
  • Life members who pay the 50% Society dues receive all benefits including print copies of Civil Engineering magazine* at no additional cost.
  • Life members who do not pay the 50% dues retain their ASCE membership but lose all membership benefits except ASCE insurance, and section and branch participation. Institutes, sections, and branches may charge additional fees and dues.

*Dues payments must be received by January 1 to ensure uninterrupted receipt of the print magazine.


The Section thanks and recognizes Arizona Section Life Members:

Frank Adams
Jayantilal Alagia
Richard Aldridge
Jerry Allen
Gregory Allen
John Allen
Robert Allison
Loren Anderson
Wayne Anderson
Robert Anderson
Mary Arbaugh
John Archer
William Armstrong
James Attebery
William Badger
William Baker
Charles Ballinger
Ajoy Banerjee
Thomas Barnwell
John Barry
Anoop Batra
George Battey
Roger Baumann
Terry Baxter
Thomas Beck
Herbert Becker
Bruce Beenken
James Bennett
Richard Bergquist
Brian Betcher
Mathew Betz
Terry Beydler
Z Bieniawski
Jerry Bish
Thomas Blake
David Bland
Philip Bleyl
Paul Blomberg
Ervin Boren
Kent Bormann
David Boyce
Walter Boyle
Shon Brady
Gerald Brierley-Green
Ronald Brillhart
Dale Britzius
Simeon Brubaker
Guy Buford
William Bugge
Thomas Buick
Charles Burm
Michael Burnham
Paul Burns
James Campbell
Jerry Cannon
Charles Case
John Cassidy
John Caudron
Kevin Chadwick
William Chamberlin
James Chehovits
Richard Chronister
Donald Clark
Albert Clemmens
Harold Clemmer
William Clevenger
Raymond Coker
Edward Cole
William Collings
A Collins
Glenn Compton
Dinshaw Contractor
Daniel Cook
James Cooke
Glen Copeland
John Corson
Gary Coxon
Gregg Creaser
George Curran
Brian Daniels
Robert Davies
Stephen Davis
J Paul Davis
Remy L De Jong
Darde De Roulhac
James Deatherage
Alejandro Deeb
Luis DeGrande
Chandrakant Desai
Michael Di Napoli
Joseph Di Vito
Kent Dibble
Julius Diogenes
Fred Doerges
Rick Doherty
Howard Donley
Leonard Druian
Charles Dryden
Leonard Dueker
Michael Duncan
James Earles
T Eaton
Richard Ebeltoft
David Eberhart
Robert Edwards
Mohammad Ehsani
Timothy Eisenmann
Michael Ellegood
William Ellis
John Engstrom
Philip Epstein
Leonard Erie
Bryan Erler
George Evans
Apostolos Fafitis
Friedrich Fahlbusch
Donald Feaster
Charles Fedon
John Fischer
Ronald Fisher
Fred Fleet
Peter Fleming
Dennis Foderberg
Carl Foster
Marc Fradette
Robert Fuller
Thomas Galeziewski
LaRon Garrett
Fred Garrott
Mark Gavan
George Geiser
Brien Gidlow
David Gilbertson
Matthew Goddard
Warren Goff
Fred Goldman
David Goodrich
William Gookin
T Allen Gookin
Francis Gorman
Scott Grainger
Albert Griffith
David Gue
Jose Guevara
Dorothy Hains
Achintya Haldar
James Hall
Sleman Hanna
Gary Hanna
Lawrence Hansen
Larry Hanson
Jeff Hardin
Dennis Hardy
Howard Hargis
David Harrald
Randy Harrel
Allen Hatheway
Andrew Haubert
Richard Hawkins
David Hayes
Patrick Hayes
David Healey
Leslie Henley
Kenneth Herring
Steven Hess
William Higgins
Ronald Hilgart
Keith Hjelmstad
Steven Hogan
Paul Holley
Cullen Hollister
Nicholas Hont
Richard Hoppe
Enamul Hoque
Ronald Hormann
Denis Howe
Robert Hughes
Ronald Hutchens
Robert Iannarino
Paul Iezzi
Adrian Ingalsbe
Ramakrishna Inti
Robert Jackson
Robert Jacobs
Norman Jacobson
William Jansen
Richard Jaquay
David Jeffers
Volmer Jensen
Alan Jessup
Steven Jimenez
Peter Johnson
Keith Johnson
Billy Joplin
Peter Jorgensen
C Gary Kalian
William Kantor
Fazle Karim
Edward Kavazanjian
Jeffrey Keaton
Jeffrey Keaton
Eric Keen
Brooks Keenan
Cordell Ketterling
Edib Kirdar
Paul Kluvers
Geza Kmetty
Charles Knarr
Gedge Knopf
Thomas Koenekamp
Karl Koller
Darrell Krull
John Kuhn
Pinnaduwa Kulatilake
Richard Kummerle
Tribikram Kundu
Joseph Kurrus
B Kent Lall
Frank Lancaster
William Larson
Dennis Lee
Jim Lee
L Donald Leinweber
James Lemon
Thomas Lenczycki
Joel Lieberman
Barry Ling
Marshall Linthwaite
Thomas Lodge
Lynn Loncki
Thomas Loomis
Curtis Lueck
John Lynch
Stephen Magelli
David Mahaffay
Marion Malnar
Fowler Malone
Allan Malvick
Michael Mamlouk
James Mann
Kenneth Marks
Robert Marmon
Ronald Martinez
Earl Mason
Michael Mathieu
W Matlock
James Matteson
Norman Matthias
Thomas Mc Govern
Kenneth Mc Lean
Patrick McCluskey
John McKellar
Timothy Merrihew
Danny Meyer
Dale Miller
Mark Milstone
Melvin Mirsky
John Misik
John Mitchell
Dennis Mittelstedt
Mohit Modi
Bijan Mohraz
Joseph Monroe
Dennis Morford
John Morrison
Richard Moseke
Charles Mosley
Ann Moynihan
Gary Munn
Raghu Nandan
Fred Nelson
Brooks Newbry
James Nichols
Robert Niebur
Scott Nodes
Richard Oaks
William O’Brien
Larry Ohrn
Larry Oliver
Gerald Olson
David O’Sadnick
Paul Ottens
Mrutyunjaya Pani
Alfred Parr
Richard Pascucci
Veljee Patel
Ramesh Patel
Ashok Patel
Kent Patterson
Anthony Pawloski
George Perce
Richard Perry
Donald Peters
Reed Petersen
Alan Peterson
Donald Peterson
Courtney Phillips
Arvind Phukan
James Plasker
Nelson Plummer
Nelson Plummer
Stanley Polasik
Paul Porell
Benjamin Porritt
John Power
Robert Powers
Shashi Prasad
Lew Pratsch
Clyde Pretti
John Puzauskas
John Raidl
Lloyd Rain
Subramaniam Rajan
Richard Ramsey
Randy Randolph
Laurence Regular
Volkmar Reichert
Yvonne Reinink
John Replogle
G Andrew Reti
Donald Richards
Dennis Richards
Andrew Richardson
H Riggs
Donald Ringrose
Bruce Rittmann
Warren Robbins
Craig Roberts
James Robertson
Lawrence Robison
Glen Rockwell
Karl Rockwell
William Rodger
Leslie Rogers
Dwayne Rollag
Lawrence Roth
Jerald Rounds
Frederick Rouse
Richard Rubendall
Michael Rucker
Marvin Ruppelt
Eric Saikin
Allan Samuels
Thomas Sands
Jamal Sarsam
Andrew Scanlon
Norman Schickedanz
James Schlenvogt
Thomas Schmitt
James Schumann
Frank Schupp
N Shanmughasundaram
B Michael Sheffer
David Shephard
George Shirley
Richard Shroads
John Siath
Donald Silva
Elliot Silverston
Avinash Singhal
Richard Skalicky
Donald Slack
Curtis Slagell
Melvin Slaysman
Stephen Slomski
W. Smith
Edwin Smith
Leo Smith
Stephen Smith
William Snarr
Robert Sogge
John Sole
Louis Sorensen
Richard Sposito
Bernard Stalmann
Robert Steele
Roy Stephenson
Donald Strand
Steven Sumner
Lambert Tall
Richard Tatlow
Mark Taylor
William Thompson
Harold Thompson
Vernon Tomanek
Bruce Toro
Douglas Toy
Dennis Trefren
James Trenam
Richard Turley
Paul Turner
Mark Turner
Stanley Turney
Robert Turton
Lyle Tweet
Richard Umbarger
Juan Valdes
James Van Houten
Jeffrey Van Skike
Jeffry Vann
Robert Vaught
Thomas Vecchi
Peter Vesecky
Leonard Vidra
Francis Vogel
Robert Wade
Robert Wagner
Frances E Walker
William Walker
Gary Walker
Robert Wallace
Louis Warner
George Way
Terrance Weber
Steven Weidenhammer
Thomas Whipple
John Wilkie
Alva Williams
David Williams
Damon Williams
Eugene Wilson
N Guy Winebrenner
Thomas Wintch
John Wise
Matthew Witczak
Thomas Wolf
Dennis Wolfe
Woon-Yin Wong
Darrel Wood
James Wood
Mark Woodson
Robert Woolery
Henry Worthington
Kenneth Wright
Charles Wright
E Wylie
Muluneh Yitayew
Richard Young
Benny Young
Michael Zeller
Alvin Zeman
Frederick Zobrist
Jerome Zovne