Phoenix Branch Sustainability Committee


ISI CEO explains Envision

February 22, 2024

On-line Educational Presentation

May 23, 2024

Join us as William Chernicoff, PHD presents, The Sustainable City Challenge.  In this presentation he will discuss this $9 Million global opportunity for cities and innovators to put their ideas into action.

Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Registration Fee:  $20 ASCE Members

                                    $25 Non-ASCE Members

                                    No Cost for Students

Climate Change Effects on Infrastructure

July 25, 2024

Larry Roth, PE, GE, ENV SP, This presentation will discuss how risk analysis, life-cycle cost analysis, and adaptive management can be applied to help civil engineers deal with a future made uncertain because of climate change.

Sustainability & Resilience 2023
Hosted by the ASCE Phoenix Branch Sustainability Committee


Who: sub-committee of the Phoenix Branch which is part of the Arizona Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Goal:  To promote sustainability and provide resources to the Civil Engineering Community in Arizona.


MariaAngelica Deeb, P.E., F. ASCE, PTOE, ENV SP
Committee Chair
TJ Welsh, P.E., M. ASCE
Committee Co-Chair
Larry Roth
Larry Roth, P.E., GE, F. ASCE, ENV SP
Committee Member





Integrating Resilience and Sustainability into Civil Engineering Projects  

Sustainability Guidelines for the Structural Engineer | Books (                                            


Sustainable Design of Pipeline: Guidelines for Achieving Advanced Functionality    

Sustainable Design of Pipelines | Books (   


Sustainable Water Resources Management

Sustainable Water Resources Management | Books (  


Sustainable Design of Pipelines: Guidelines for Achieving Advanced Functionality 

Sustainable Design of Pipelines | Books (


Sustainability and Energy Management for Water Resource Recovery

Sustainability and Energy Management for Water Resource Recovery Facilities | Books (   


Sustainability Guidelines for the Structural Engineer      

Sustainability Guidelines for the Structural Engineer | Books (


Sustainable Sludge Management: Production of Value Added Products      

Sustainable Sludge Management | Books (


Sustainable Engineering Practice: An Introduction                                           

Sustainable Engineering Practice | Books (

Prepared by the Committee on Social Science, Policy, Economics, Education, and Decision of the Infrastructure Resilience Division of ASCE and the Committee on Sustainability of ASCE