Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student Awards

Individual senior civil engineering student achievement within the State of Arizona is recognized annually by awarding the “Outstanding Senior Civil Engineering Student Awards”. This award is given annually to individual students for achievement as a civil engineering student in their senior year.

General Information
1. Three awards may be made annually, one at each of the following Universities:

a. Arizona State University
b. Northern Arizona University
c. University of Arizona

2. Basis for the awards shall be “for individual achievement/service that demonstrates excellence in engineering academic achievement and service to the profession.” Each of the Universities shall determine the basis for academic and service achievement.

3. The awards for the student from each University are made by action of the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Student Chapter Faculty Advisor. Recommendations tot he Board must be supported with an appropriate description of the academic and service achievement. Publicity on the final selection is withheld until Board approval is obtained.

4. An appropriate certificate, symbolizing the achievement, and a $50.00 honorarium to be used for the individuals’ first year ASCE national dues will be awarded to each individual selected.

Nominees shall be subscribing student members of the Arizona Society of ASCE and shall be completing their senior year of school.

1. Nominations for the individual awards shall be made by the Student Chapter/Club to the Faculty Advisor by March 15th .

2. Each Faculty Advisor will select one candidate for the award and submit a letter as such to the AzSCE Board by March 31st. The letter shall describe who was selected and their individual achievements and service to ASCE and civil engineering.

3. Nominations will be reviewed and confirmed at the Section Board meeting in April.

Judging on the student nominated for the award from each University shall be the responsibility of each University, organized by the Faculty Advisor. Final authority for determining the recipients shall be with the Section Board of Directors.

After Section Board confirmation, presentation of the awards will be made in late April or May at an appropriate Branch or Arizona Society Meeting by the President of the Arizona Society, or his designated representative. The Awards Committee will prepare an award certificate and a letter indicating that the individual’s first year ASCE dues will be paid for by the Arizona Section (currently a $50 value).

History of Award Recipients
The following is a list of past award winners.

Outstanding Senior ASU: Janelle Miguel
Outstanding Senior NAU: Jenna Hays
Outstanding Senior UA: Ryan Hamman

Outstanding Senior ASU: Susanna Westersund
Outstanding Senior NAU: Victor Wing
Outstanding Senior UA: Carlos B. Solis

Outstanding Senior ASU: Gabriella Stadler
Outstanding Senior NAU: Janet Hernandez
Outstanding Senior UA: Taylor Scott Davis

Outstanding Senior ASU: Isaac Para
Outstanding Senior NAU: Hannah Fischer
Outstanding Senior UA: Spencer Browne

Outstanding Senior ASU: Brielle Januszewski
Outstanding Senior NAU: Samantha Cole
Outstanding Senior UA: Garrett Hooker

Outstanding Senior ASU: Emily Ford
Outstanding Senior NAU: Paxon Lowther
Outstanding Senior UA: Jessica Hinson

Outstanding Senior ASU: Quinn Beauparlant
Outstanding Senior NAU: Ian Connair
Outstanding Senior UA: Amy White