The Arizona Civil Engineer Distinguished Service Award

An Arizona Society award that may be given each year to a member of the Arizona Society who is a member grade of ASCE. The award is presented at the annual Arizona Society Meeting to someone who has exhibited extraordinary distinguished service to the civil engineering profession, the ASCE society and the community. A wall plaque or certificate is presented to the recipient. Below is a list of past award winners:



In 1990, Ben T. Dibble was awarded ASCE Nationals William H. Wisely American Civil Engineer Award for his contributions to the civil engineering profession and to ASCE. The honorarium received by Ben for this award was donated to the Arizona Society for the purpose of establishing a similar award at the Arizona Society level.



The award is to be presented annually at the Arizona Society Meeting Banquet to an ASCE Arizona Society member who has provided distinguished service to the profession and to ASCE.


The award is to be rotated among the established branches of the Arizona Society. The rotation schedule shall take into account the respective membership size of each branch. The rotation schedule set forth below is subject to approval and revision by the Arizona Society Board of Directors.


The nominee shall be an ASCE member of “Member” grade status.


The nominee shall be a dues paying member of the Arizona Society.


The nominee shall be (or have been) active at any level of ASCE, i.e. National Officers, National Committees, TAC, PAC, Arizona Society or Branch officers, Arizona Society or Branch committees, etc.


The nominee shall be involved in activities outside of the society, i.e. Student Chapter Support, School Booster Clubs, Little League Coaching, Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, Parent Teacher Organizations, Bond Committees, Religious Activities, Chamber of Commerce, other civic and professional activities.



The Board of Directors for the Branch of Record shall have responsibility to select a candidate based on the above criteria and shall submit a single nominee to the Arizona Society Board of Directors no later than the Arizona Society’s’ August Board meeting of the specified year. The Branches’ nomination shall include a paragraph describing the accomplishments of the nominee and the reasons for their selection. At that August Board Meeting, the Arizona Society Board shall vote for approval of the nomination and, if so approved, direct the Arizona Society Awards Committee to prepare the necessary plaques and invitations for presentation at the banquet of the Arizona Society Meeting.



The responsibility of administering this award shall lie with the Arizona Society Awards Committee. Responsibilities shall include reminding the specific branch to submit their nomination (reminders should be made by June of each year); scheduling an agenda item on the Arizona Society Board of Directors August Board Meeting (or before); ordering the plaque and certification and inviting the nominee to the Banquet.


Until revised by Arizona Society Board action, the following rotation schedule shall be in effect:


Year – Branch – Recipient

1991 – Phoenix – Martin H. Rosness

1992 – Southern Arizona – Stanley E. Turney

1993 – Phoenix – A. Wayne Collins

1994 – Northern Arizona – Mark Woodson

1995 – Phoenix – Dan Sagramosa

1996 – Southern Arizona – Priscilla Sawyer-Cornelio

1997 – Phoenix – Jon Girand

1998 – Northern Arizona – Dr. Richard Mirth

1999 – Phoenix – Tom Sands & Dennis Richards

2000 – Southern Arizona – Richard Martinez

2001 – Northern Arizona – Karl Rockwell

2002 – Yuma – James Davey

2003 – Phoenix – Tom Galeziewski

2004 – Northern Arizona – Vianey Vega (Yuma)

2005 – Phoenix – Kent Dibble

2006 – Southern Arizona – Mike Barton

2007 – Phoenix – Allan J. Smolko

2008 – Northern Arizona – Debra Larson

2009 – Nothern Arizona – David Hook

2010 – Phoenix – Richard J. Perry

2011 – Southern Arizona – Sheila Bowen

2012 – Phoenix – Donald R. Clark

2013 – Southern Arizona – Randy Harris

2014 – Michael Mathieu

2015 – Lawrence Hanson

2016 – Chad Drago

2017 – Gary Miller

2018 – Deirdre Brosnihan

2019 – Frederick Tack

2020 – Jose Aguilar


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